Thursday, December 4, 2008

Tips for remembering to sprinkle your food with Sensa

1. Keep one Sensa container in the kitchen in a highly visable place such as on top of the microwave or beside the refrigerater. Put it someplace you'll be sure to see it when you warm up your food or grab your snacks from.

2. Keep the other shaker with you, in your purse or pocket. This way when you are at work or running errands you'll have it when you need it.

3. Put sticky notes on the refrigerater or microwave to remind you sprinkle your food.

4. Ask friends and family to remind you when you forget.

5. You can also use the age old trick of tieing a string or something similar around your finger or wrist. The brighter it is, the better. That will likely draw your attention better than a more subdued color.

I personally have forgotten a few times but since I had been taking it long enough it did not seem to make a difference. I think it is what you do the majority of the time that makes the difference. Hope this helps!

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