Sunday, September 21, 2008

My Research

Ok, so before receiving Sensa I did a lot research on the web about good carbs, bad carbs; good fats, bad fats, ect. I also researched about the glycemic index and how it relates to weight loss and weight gain. I found out what my plate should look like in general (for example, half should be filled with fruits and vegetables), what foods help you lose weight and a wealth of dieting tips so I will be posting about those results and their respective benefits in subsequent posts. For now, I am going to tell you what I ate last week. As I was doing research I found that white bread, white rice, white flour and white pasta all cause significant insulin spikes which que your body into a fat storage mode. So, I did eat white rice but only in small portions and with either kidney beans or black beans and put some kind of low fat vinaigrette on it (acids such as lemon, vinegar and so on can lower the GI of food by up to 30%). I also ate huge portions of either fresh fruits (morning) or fresh vegetables (lunch and dinner). I had at least one serving of lean protein (fish, beans, chicken, ect) and lots of water. All of it was sprinkled with Sensa. For breakfast I either ate Special K with the sweet sprinkles and fruit or eggs cooked with Pam and a couple serving of fruit. For snacks I tried to include protein so that I kept full until regular meals. I ate things like whole wheat crackers and low fat cheese, low fat yogurt, peanut butter and whole wheat crackers, or a small portion of nuts with a serving of fruit. It worked like a charm. I shopped yesterday for foods that would improve on this even more for next week, I will post that later. I drank lots and lots of water, green tea and 1% milk and for those nights that I wanted a nightcap I had a cup of green tea with a little bit of rum. A glass of red wine might also be something I'd choose, due to the level of antioxidants and for the fact that research suggests that red wine limits the negative effects of a fatty diet (more on that later).

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