Monday, September 22, 2008

Ok, enough research for now...

Ok, I will be posting more research later in the week, such as "good fats, bad fats" however, I want to write more about my progress with Sensa. My expeirment with the non-fat yogurt, bananas and sensa sort of failed I am afraid to say. I didn't like the taste at all. No fault of sensa, I just hate plain yogurt and sensa didn't help that. However, some foods I have found to be better tasting with doesn't alter the taste...just enhances it. For example, I ate cheese and crackers today for a snack and sprinkled the salty side on. It tasted wonderful and I was satisfied with just two pieces. That to me is worth it. I really do feel that is helping me with portion control. Another thing that I have mentioned before, but am still excited about is the fact that I don't crave sweets. This is huge for me because I have a sweet tooth. Again, I realize that I am not evaulating Sensa by itself, but I can't get my head around spending all that money and not atleast trying to eat healthy. I am doing this to lose weight after all and not just be a healthier me. I can honestly say I do feel better. I really do hope this works (and it looks like it is), as only one other diet has worked for me since I had my daughter(now 6) and it left me feeling deprived. Until next time!

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