Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Scale Can Be Deceiving

Ok, I have heard people tell me before to throw out your scale and just do all the right things and the weight will come off. But how many of us really want to know if "doing the right thing" made any difference? I can tell you, I am one of them. When I wake up each morning and greet the day...the first thing I do is weigh myself to see if "doing the right thing" did anything for me. Anyone out there the same way? Well I am here to tell you that the scale is not your friend. If you have been following my posts you should know I have been losing around 2 pounds each week. Well this week I lost zero. And I have to admitt, I was scared to get on that scale after my piece of tiramisu and dark chocolate episode this week. But I had also been riding my bike all week and doing otherwise a good job of filtering out the junk in my diet. So I began with the usual, "oh this diet isn't working anymore. It's just like everything else". But was it? I decided to try on one of my old work shirts (this sadly is the reason I starting dieting, I couldn't fit into my favorite fitted work shirt). Last week it was still a bit snug but this fit! I finally made it to my first goal! The scale was lieing to me!!! The thing is, muscle weighs more than fat. Most of us know this, but still we exspect to be a certain weight to fit into a, b, and c. So when we exercise and are "burning calories", we exspect the scale to go down, not stay the same and definately not to go up! This is how I think, and I am willing to bet I am not alone. What most of us can't get our heads around is that sometimes even if you gain a few pounds you can still be losing inches due to all the activity or the change in diet. So don't lose heart if your weight stays the same or even goes up a could still be making headway towards your "skinny jeans" goal!

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